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Produkt zum Begriff Game:

  • Game Mechanics: Advanced Game Design
    Game Mechanics: Advanced Game Design

    This in-depth resource teaches you to craft mechanics that generate challenging, enjoyable, and well-balanced gameplay. You’ll discover at what stages to prototype, test, and implement mechanics in games and learn how to visualize and simulate game mechanics in order to design better games. Along the way, you’ll practice what you’ve learned with hands-on lessons. A free downloadable simulation tool developed by Joris Dormans is also available in order to follow along with exercises in the book in an easy-to-use graphical environment. In Game Mechanics: Advanced Game Design, you’ll learn how to: * Design and balance game mechanics to create emergent gameplay before you write a single line of code. * Visualize the internal economy so that you can immediately see what goes on in a complex game. * Use novel prototyping techniques that let you simulate games and collect vast quantities of gameplay data on the first day of development. * Apply design patterns for game mechanics—from a library in this book—to improve your game designs. * Explore the delicate balance between game mechanics and level design to create compelling, long-lasting game experiences. * Replace fixed, scripted events in your game with dynamic progression systems to give your players a new experience every time they play. "I've been waiting for a book like this for ten years: packed with game design goodness that tackles the science without undermining the art." --Richard Bartle, University of Essex, co-author of the first MMORPG   “Game Mechanics: Advanced Game Design by Joris Dormans & Ernest Adams formalizes game grammar quite well. Not sure I need to write a next book now!”  -- Raph Koster, author of A Theory of Fun for Game Design.

    Preis: 34.23 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Fundamentals of Game Design
    Fundamentals of Game Design

    To create a great video game, you must start with a solid game design: A well-designed game is easier to build, more entertaining, and has a better chance of succeeding in the marketplace. Here to teach you the essential skills of player-centric game design is one of the industry’s leading authorities, who offers a first-hand look into the process, from initial concept to final tuning.Now in its second edition, this updated classic reference by Ernest Adams offers a complete and practical approach to game design, and includes material on concept development, gameplay design, core mechanics, user interfaces, storytelling, and balancing. In an easy-to-follow approach, Adams analyzes the specific design challenges of all the major game genres and shows you how to apply the principles of game design to each one. You’ll learn how to:Define the challenges and actions at the heart of the gameplay.Write a high-concept document, a treatment, and a full design script.Understand the essentials of user interface design and how to define a game’s look and feel.Design for a variety of input mechanisms, including the Wii controller and multi-touch iPhone.Construct a game’s core mechanics and flow of resources (money, points, ammunition, and more).Develop appealing stories, game characters, and worlds that players will want to visit, including persistent worlds.Work on design problems with engaging end-of-chapter exercises, design worksheets, and case studies.Make your game accessible to broader audiences such as children, adult women, people with disabilities, and casual players. “Ernest Adams provides encyclopedic coverage of process and design issues for every aspect of game design, expressed as practical lessons that can be immediately applied to a design in-progress. He offers the best framework I’ve seen for thinking about the relationships between core mechanics, gameplay, and player—one that I’ve found useful for both teaching and research.” — Michael Mateas, University of California at Santa Cruz, co-creator of Façade

    Preis: 42.79 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Casa Padrino Barock Esszimmer Stuhl Gold / Gold  Mod2 / Rund - Möbel Interior Einrichtung
    Casa Padrino Barock Esszimmer Stuhl Gold / Gold Mod2 / Rund - Möbel Interior Einrichtung

    Handgefertigter Barockstuhl aus dem Hause Casa Padrino Farbe: Gold/Gold Höhe: ca. 99 cm Breite ca. 50 cm Tiefe ca. 47 cm Sitzhöhe ca. 55 cm Material: Massivholz Bezogen mit einem edlem Satin Stoff (100% Polyester) Füllung : Polyätherschaum-Polsterung Dieser Artikel ist ein authentisch handgefertigtes Antik Stil Replikat. Farbabweichungen, kleinere Risse, Farbabplatzungen, Antikspuren, Unebenheiten und andere Antikstil Merkmale sind Teil des Artikels und machen jedes Möbelstück zu einem Unikat. Hier kaufen Sie ein original Casa Padrino Produkt. Casa Padrino ist ein europaweit renommierter Produzent und Vertrieb von Barock Möbeln und ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen beim deutschen Patent und Markenamt.

    Preis: 169.95 € | Versand*: 44.90 €
  • Game Design Vocabulary, A: Exploring the Foundational Principles Behind Good Game Design
    Game Design Vocabulary, A: Exploring the Foundational Principles Behind Good Game Design

    Master the Principles and Vocabulary of Game Design   Why aren’t videogames getting better? Why does it feel like we’re playing the same games, over and over again? Why aren’t games helping us transform our lives, like great music, books, and movies do? The problem is language. We still don’t know how to talk about game design. We can’t share our visions. We forget what works (and doesn’t). We don’t learn from history. It’s too hard to improve. The breakthrough starts here. A Game Design Vocabulary gives us the complete game design framework we desperately need—whether we create games, study them, review them, or build businesses on them. Craft amazing experiences. Anna Anthropy and Naomi Clark share foundational principles, examples, and exercises that help you create great player experiences…complement intuition with design discipline…and craft games that succeed brilliantly on every level. Liberate yourself from stale clichés and genres Tell great stories: go way beyond cutscenes and text dumps Control the crucial relationships between game “verbs” and “objects” Wield the full power of development, conflict, climax, and resolution Shape scenes, pacing, and player choices Deepen context via art, animation, music, and sound Help players discover, understand, engage, and “talk back” to you Effectively use resistance and difficulty: the “push and pull” of games Design holistically: integrate visuals, audio, and controls Communicate a design vision everyone can understand

    Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Welche Auflösung ist für Game Design geeignet?

    Die Auflösung, die für Game Design geeignet ist, hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, wie zum Beispiel dem Genre des Spiels, der Plattform, auf der es gespielt wird, und den grafischen Anforderungen. In der Regel werden jedoch Auflösungen von 1080p (Full HD) oder höher bevorzugt, um eine gute visuelle Qualität und Detailgenauigkeit zu gewährleisten. Es ist auch wichtig, die Leistungsfähigkeit der Hardware zu berücksichtigen, um sicherzustellen, dass das Spiel flüssig läuft.

  • Wie beeinflusst das Game Design die Spielererfahrung und -interaktion in Videospielen?

    Das Game Design bestimmt die Regeln, Mechaniken und Struktur eines Spiels, die die Spielererfahrung maßgeblich beeinflussen. Es beeinflusst auch, wie Spieler mit der Spielwelt interagieren und welche Entscheidungen sie treffen können. Ein gut durchdachtes Game Design kann die Immersion und den Spielspaß erhöhen, während ein schlechtes Design zu Frustration und Desinteresse führen kann.

  • Welche Game Engine?

    Die Wahl der Game Engine hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, wie den Anforderungen des Projekts, den verfügbaren Ressourcen und dem Erfahrungsniveau des Entwicklerteams. Es gibt verschiedene beliebte Game Engines wie Unity, Unreal Engine, Godot und Cocos2d, die jeweils ihre eigenen Vor- und Nachteile haben. Es ist wichtig, die verschiedenen Optionen zu untersuchen und diejenige auszuwählen, die am besten zu den spezifischen Bedürfnissen des Projekts passt.

  • Was bedeutet "FF Game"?

    "FF Game" steht für "Final Fantasy Game". Final Fantasy ist eine beliebte Videospielreihe, die von Square Enix entwickelt wurde. Die Spiele sind für ihre epische Handlung, ihre fantastische Welt und ihr rundenbasiertes Kampfsystem bekannt.

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    Riesige Casa Padrino Luxus Obelisk Skulptur Antik Stil Spiegelglas - Hotel Einrichtung - Luxus Dekoration

    Riesige Casa Padrino Luxus Obelisk Skulptur Antik Stil Spiegelglas - Hotel Einrichtung - Luxus Dekoration Abmessungen: 41 x 41 x H. 155 cm Farbe: Antik Stil Spiegelglas Material: Spiegelglas, Holz Klassisch und zugleich luxuriös. Ein echter Hingucker für ein stilvolles Wohnambiente!

    Preis: 1699.90 € | Versand*: 79.90 €
  • 100 Principles of Game Design
    100 Principles of Game Design

    Game designers spend their lives solving extraordinary problems and facing mind-bending paradoxes. It’s their job to make a meticulous plan for “spontaneous fun” players will want to experience over and over again. Pressure is heaped on with demands for innovation and blockbuster status. So designers find themselves facing an abyss of problems, pressure, and possibilities, armed only with their brains and an assortment of design principles they picked up over years of experience.For the first time, 100 Principles of Game Design gathers some of the best of these big ideas into one toolkit. Seasoned designers will be glad they don’t have to hold it all in their heads anymore, and beginning design students can use the book to learn the tools of the trade. When the going gets tough, everyone can turn to this book for guidance, inspiration, or just to remind them of what works. Collected from every popular school of thought in game design, these core principles are organized by theme: innovation, creation, balancing, and troubleshooting.• Includes advances from the world’s leading authorities on game design, some explained by the creators themselves• A reference book of finite, individual principles for easy access, providing a jumping off point for further research•  Principles originating in fields as diverse as architecture, psychiatry, and economics, but shown here as they apply to game design• Richly designed with illustrations and photos, making each principle easy to understand and memorable•  Timeless approach includes feedback loops, game mechanics, prototyping, economies of scale, user-centered design, and much moreProfessional designers and instructors at one of the world’s leading game design institutions lay out the building blocks of diverse knowledgerequired to design even the simplest of games.

    Preis: 22.46 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Introduction to Game Systems Design
    Introduction to Game Systems Design

    As games grow more complex and gamers' expectations soar, the discipline of game systems design becomes ever more important. Game systems designers plan a game's rules and balance, its characters' attributes, most of its data, and how its AI, weapons, and objects work and interact. Introduction to Game Systems Design is the first complete beginner's guide to this crucial discipline. Writing for all aspiring game professionals, even those with absolutely no experience, leading game designer and instructor Dax Gazaway presents a step-by-step, hands-on approach to designing game systems with industry-standard tools. Drawing on his experience building AAA-level game systems (including games in the Star Wars and Marvel franchises), Gazaway covers all this, and more:Exploring the essentials of game design and its emerging subdisciplinesAsking the essential questions at the heart of all designGetting started with modern game system design tools, including the spreadsheets most professionals now useCreating systems and data from a blank pagePopulating and quantifying a world of data into a gameTuning and balancing game systemsTesting game systems and dataLeveraging communication, psychology, and rewards within your gamesBalancing game probability within systemsWhether you're a college freshman entering a game design program, an indie developer using Unreal or Unity, a Dungeon Master, or anyone who wants to really understand modern games, this guide will help you get where you want to go.

    Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Bukela Game Lodge - Amakhala Game Reserve
    Bukela Game Lodge - Amakhala Game Reserve

    Preis: 458 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Was machen Game Artists?

    Game Artists sind für die visuelle Gestaltung von Videospielen verantwortlich. Sie entwerfen und erstellen 2D- und 3D-Grafiken, Animationen, Texturen und Modelle für Charaktere, Umgebungen und Objekte im Spiel. Sie arbeiten eng mit Game Designern und Entwicklern zusammen, um eine ansprechende und immersive Spielerfahrung zu schaffen.

  • Sollte man "No Game No Life Zero" vor "No Game No Life" schauen?

    Es wird empfohlen, "No Game No Life" vor "No Game No Life Zero" anzuschauen, da "No Game No Life Zero" eine Vorgeschichte zu "No Game No Life" erzählt. Durch das Anschauen von "No Game No Life" erhält man ein besseres Verständnis für die Welt und die Charaktere, was das Seherlebnis von "No Game No Life Zero" bereichern kann.

  • Was bedeutet Interior Design?

    Was bedeutet Interior Design? Interior Design bezieht sich auf die Gestaltung und Planung von Innenräumen, um sie funktional, ästhetisch ansprechend und harmonisch zu gestalten. Es umfasst die Auswahl von Möbeln, Farben, Texturen, Beleuchtung und anderen Elementen, um einen Raum zu gestalten, der den Bedürfnissen und dem Geschmack des Kunden entspricht. Interior Designer berücksichtigen auch Aspekte wie Raumplanung, Verkehrsmuster und die Schaffung einer angenehmen Atmosphäre. Insgesamt geht es beim Interior Design darum, Räume zu schaffen, die sowohl schön als auch funktional sind und den individuellen Stil und die Bedürfnisse der Bewohner widerspiegeln.

  • Lohnt sich die Ausbildung im Bereich Game Design an der Macromedia Akademie Hamburg?

    Die Bewertung der Ausbildung im Bereich Game Design an der Macromedia Akademie Hamburg hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, wie zum Beispiel den individuellen Interessen und Zielen des Studierenden. Es kann hilfreich sein, sich über die Lehrpläne, die Reputation der Akademie und die Erfahrungen ehemaliger Studierender zu informieren, um eine fundierte Entscheidung zu treffen. Es kann auch sinnvoll sein, sich mit anderen Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten im Bereich Game Design zu vergleichen, um die beste Option für die persönlichen Bedürfnisse zu finden.

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